Hit up Firefly, to get some pin in and also have a beverage or two. Kate and Natalie are both from DC (actually Virginia, but they felt they are from DC) who both work for the federal government there and were visiting Charlottesville for a horse event. They described working and living in Washington like visiting a funeral every day since Trump was elected with their friends, all career civil servants in a daze. Both from the southeast, they found the proliferation of Confederate Flags, and the increasing animosity that they saw on the news to be jarring and disheartening. "I think it really boils down to how you see the role of government in your life, and the role of your country in the world, and everything flows out of that, it's a rural vs urban divide more than anything else" said Kate.
April 27, 2018 - Chronic Town, State College PA
First day of the two wheeled pinball spirit quest, first game, wrecked it so hard that my food sat cold at the table. Great start to a trip.