I'd just finished an awesome breakfast at the Bywater Bakery, and on my way out I ran into Nalin who was waiting for a friend. Originally from San Francisco, he'd moved to New Orleans a few years ago and absolutely loved his city. A recurring theme that I noticed while in NOLA was that while the residents seemed to love both their city and community, they didn't have much faith in their public servants, who Nalin told me were 'corrupt as hell'. We joked about the quality of roads, which were probably the worst I'd ever seen in my travels, life as a recovering alcoholic in New Orleans and the current state of politics in the country. "On a day to day level, I don't really see the racism, either I'm just so used to it I don't notice, but most people are just trying to make it through each day." Nalin is a good dude, and someone whom you can't help but think is making the world just a little better place after meeting him.