On the boarder of Louisiana and Mississippi is the Stennis Space Center, I don't know what happens there, but I'm sure it involves space which I've been told is rather large. Since I figured that taking photos of a space station is a good way to find spontaneous group accommodation in a secure environment, I thought I'd take a photo of my bike instead. The United States amazes me, that amidst the grinding poverty, the discrimination, anger and bigotry, it is a country that is also capable of singular greatness. As frustrated as I am with the current administration, I refuse to turn my back on the land that produced Lincoln, Whitman, Dylan and Kweli. The music that pulled me through some rough times mostly came from the southern states, made by men and women who experienced far more suffering and hardship than my lilly white ass ever will, just as my other passions, pinball and motorcycles were produced in this great country as well. America doesn't need to be made great again, it already was great and I stand with Brother Ali, writing a letter to his countryman acknowledging his lands "beautiful ideals and terrible flaws."